Sunday Worship
Our worship service is held every Sunday at 11.00am. We have a time of prayer, a mix of both older and newer hymns as well as modern worship songs. We listen to God's word as the Bible is read and preached.
We meet every week on Sundays at 6pm for Fellowship and Prayer. It is an open meeting to discuss God, the Bible and to pray.
Third Sunday morning of each month at 11am
First Sunday evening of each month at 6pm (On Zoom October to March)
We break bread and share wine together as Jesus commanded His church to do regularly until He comes again.
Communion is open to anyone who loves Jesus Christ and is seeking to serve Him.
We encourage children to join us for our morning worship and we have the following groups for the children and young people to learn more about God.
Available for the under 3s.
For children aged 3- 11 years.
Leaders Sylvia Abilio, Panzo Abilio and May Sule all take a turn in leading this group with other members assisting them.
We meet in church for Sunday morning worship, then separately as a group for the last half of the service. A number of different activities are covered including handiwork and crafts, quizzes and drama. Also Bible stories are read and games are played to tie in with the story to encourage a fun way to learn.
Young Peoples' Fellowship (YPF)
Leaders Roger & Ruth Rego
(on Sabbatical until September - YPF are staying in the services until then)
For 11 - 16 year olds.
Again we meet in church for Sunday morning worship, then in comfortable surroundings in the church lounge for the last half of the service. The aim is to provide a secure environment in which the young people are able to learn and discuss christian teaching and the implications of the call of the Lord Jesus Christ to all. The teaching is always Bible based and often supported by material such as Scripture Union's " Light".